案例欣赏——l 洛杉矶Echo山地别墅

别墅外观立面是以落地玻璃门窗为主,并通向一个露台,旨在充分利用周围的景色。Echo别墅坐落于Elysian Fields,Elysian Fields是位于洛杉矶市区北部的丘陵地带。这样的设计理念在河南别墅设计中应多多吸取 在这个紧凑的地基中,将住宅设计成三层,错落有致。除了前面住宅,在后院还有一个艺术家的工作室。居住区和独立艺术家工作室的位置使其可以感知附近社区花园的栖息地,并可以欣赏到市区天际线和周围群山的美景。 Working with a tight site, Aaron Neubert Architects (ANX) designed the home to stagger down the plot in three levels. In addition to the four-level home at the front of the site, there is also an artist’s studio tucked away in the back yard. The residence and detached artist studio are positioned to perceptually inhabit the adjacent community garden, and present views of the downtown skyline and surrounding hills. 在街道层面,紧凑的平面只包含一个车库和空间。一条走廊通往连接车库和住宅主入口的楼梯,也可以通过另外的楼梯进入。客人无论是从车库旁走廊还是室外步道都会进入一个视觉开阔两层高挑空客厅,这里还有一个可以俯瞰城市和周围山景的露台。一个Z字型楼梯将休闲客厅空间与厨房和餐厅区域连接在一起。别墅后面的露台满足私人欣赏的“内部景观”,并由别墅本身和艺术家工作室组成。 At street level, the compact floor plan only contains a garage and technical spaces. A hallway leads to a staircase that connects the garage to the home’s main entrance, which is also accessible via an exterior stair. Whether they arrive from the garage or exterior walkway, guests enter the home into a dramatic, double-height living room, with a terrace overlooking the city and views of the surrounding hills. A switchback stair connects the entertaining space with the kitchen and dining area at the back of the property. The exterior space at the back of the house forms an “introspective landscape” for the owners to enjoy, and is framed by the home itself and the artist studio. 在顶层有三间卧室,其中两间共享一个俯瞰城市的露台。400平方英尺(约37平方米)的工作室有白色简洁的墙壁外观和黑色的百叶窗,与主卧屋相匹配。居住者在室内可以透过落地玻璃门窗俯瞰街道景观与花园。ANX希望让室内空间获得最大值的自然光。室内装饰以明亮和简单的色彩,人字形铺装的木地板与悬挂的几何灯具呈现出温暖氛围。 On the top level, the architects included three bedrooms, two of which share an additional terrace overlooking the city. The 400-square-foot (37-square-metre) studio has a white exterior and dark slatted louvers, matching the main home. A floor-to-ceiling glass wall allows the occupants to overlook the property and garden from within. ANX sought to bring in as much natural light as possible. The interiors are decorated with a bright and minimal palette, with warmer accents such as wooden floorboards laid out in a herringbone pattern, and suspended geometric luminaires.    

案例欣赏——| 深圳前海壹方中心温莎双语幼儿园



